
Etsy Shop of the Week...

So it's my favourite time of the week!!! Etsy shop time.... I always like these posts because it gets me out there communicating with other artists and helping to showcase their beautiful pieces of work. This week it is thebrassmenagerie, and I love how their pieces are so influenced by nature, and the living world around us! They are so organic... I love them!!!!

This is my favourite piece, the soft hue of pink is so gorgeous!!!

Check out their shop here, there are so many more beautiful pieces!


  1. i browse through etsy like its my drug...honestly cant stop once im on it!! love the jewelry!! im gna go check it out... :)
    btw i see ur from toronto! i studied abroad there for a year and i miss it terribly! hope i can check out some pics of toronto on ur blog!

    (awesome blog btw)

  2. oh my i LOVE all of the pieces! it's so hard to choose which one i want. thanks for sharing :)

  3. I think the bike necklace is way cool!

  4. That second bird one is similar to the Ashley Olsen one I was trying to show you. Great pic of the week once again!

  5. This rings are AMAZING. Seriously. I also love that super rad bike necklace. Going to check her shop out RIGHT NOW!




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